
Frequently Asked Questions – FAQ


How to register?

Fill out the registration here. After you entered all valid data the portal Trka sends you an email with registration confirmation. You need to activate your account so you can confirm your email address. Just then is your registration accepted and can be found on the starters list. The registration becomes complete after the entry fee is paid.

I registered but my name is not on the list. Where is my registration?

Registration becomes visible just after the account is activated on the portal Trka.

How can I activate my account on the portal Trka?

You received an email with the activation link. If you can’t find that email you can resend it here. Depending on network it can take up to 15 minutes for email to arrive. If you didn’t get that email after the 15 minutes check your SPAM folder. If you still can’t find the email you might have entered the wrong email address.

I didn’t get registration confirmation email. Where can I find it?

Depending on network it can take up to 15 minutes for email to arrive. If you didn’t get that email after the 15 minutes check your SPAM folder. If you still can’t find the email you might have entered the wrong email address. You can check that by clicking here. After you enter your email address the portal will notify you if the user with that address still doesn’t exist. In that case you have to sign up again with propper email address. 

How can I pay the entry fee?

If you are paying from Serbia you can use the payment form you get in the email, Or via PayPal otherwise.

Where do I find the payment page?

You can easily get to the payment page by logging in to the portal Trka, then you have to choose your event from the list of My registrations. After that click on the red button Pay entry fee where you can find the payment form or PayPal payment page.

I registered, my name was on the list, but it is not any more. Where is my registration?

If you registration is missing for some unknown reason, do contact us at kontakt@nocnimaraton.rs.

Can I change the race after I registered?

Yes. All data can be changed until registrations closing. To change the data you have to login on portal Trka and click on you registration in the list My registrations. After that you will be able to see the registration overview. From there you can edit your registration by clicking on the button Update registration.

How can I change the language?

If the portal is on serbian and you want to use it in english you need to choose the language in the upper right corner if you are not logged is, or if you are already signed up. If you already have an account you need to log in and then you can update the user data. On the given page you need to change the language and save it. After that you will get all emails in english.

Are group registrations possible?

Yes, they are. You need to register so you can register other runners. You have to log in first and then you can register all runners on the Night marathon page.

Button register runner is a drop down menu where you can either choose the existing non-registered runner, or to enter a new one. After  entering each new runner the registration summary will be displayed and you will be able to see the entry fees sum. From there you can repeat the same workflow to add all runners. After all registrations are entered, you need to confirm the registration. The portal sends you a registration confirmation email and sends you to the payment page.

I payed but my registration is still not marked as complete. Why?

Banking system in Serbia has a time limitation when it comes to executing transactions. Each payment via Serbian payment form needs at least one working day to go through. After that we need to get the information about the payment from our bank and only then we can enter the payment on the portal Trka which sends you a payment confirmation email.

If you pay via PayPal everything is automated and your payment is accepted instantly.

Da li neko može da preuzme paket umesto mene?

Da. Moraš da nam se prvo javiš kako bismo znali ko će uzeti paket i time sprečili zloupotrebe. Taj neko ko za tebe preuzima startni paket umesto tebe potpisuje izjavu o preuzimanju odgovornosti za učešće na Noćnom maratonu.